Green building

More preparation, fewer complications!

We are committed to offering you a high-quality build, which will provide you with a positive experience. We offer turnkey solutions as well as ready-to-finish homes and task-shared collaborative projects.

Green Building

A range of services adapted to your needs to bring you the best in construction quality

Our services include land preparation (road access, septic system, excavation, water and electricity connections, etc.), followed by all the stages of construction: foundations, framework, insulation, waterproofing and building mechanics, divisions, exterior coverings. Interior finishes and integrated furnishings are optional.

All our creations are built according to the highest quality standards and use local, healthy and sustainable materials. They are always Novoclimat certified, and optionally, LEED or even carbon neutral. These rigorous standards give you the peace of mind in knowing that your project is inspected by an independent expert. They also give you a quality guarantee that is recognized on the real estate market as well as access to financial assistance thanks to the Novoclimat program.

Creating exceptional living spaces

We build according to the plans and specifications that we have designed in collaboration with you. We therefore know each project perfectly, which ensures you an efficient implementation, with a reliable and clear budget. We realize that building your home is a major project and a significant investment. At each stage of your project, your questions are always welcomed.

Global vision,
local expertise

Our team brings together passionate people who want to change building standards for more resilient and ecological homes.

In each of the regions that we work in, our local site teams bring together experienced people with complementary specializations. For every situation, we have an expert! Each project has a team leader, who works closely with your project manager from start to finish.

Building sustainably!

Our expertise at your service

Your home is here to stay. There are only advantages to planning it well and building it according to the highest standards in quality.

AA technical rating recognized by the GCR
Your advantage
Building quality & excellence
Company dedicated to green building since 2005
Your advantage
Local construction teams with more than 100 unique projects completed
Tailor-made & non-standard projects
Your advantage
Expertise for special projects (e.g., greenhouses, post and beam, complex layouts, etc.)
Analysis of the environmental footprint of materials
Your advantage
A wide selection of materials that respect the environment and your health
Topographic implantation & careful planning
Your advantage
Reduction of the construction site’s environmental footprint on the land
Planning and transparent & ethical communications
Your advantage
A positive working environment for a project that is pleasant from start to finish
Respect of budget & construction deadlines
Your advantage
Great collaboration between the construction and design teams
Novoclimat Select Group contractor
Your advantage
All our new constructions are inspected and subsidized by Novoclimat
LEED V4, Carbon neutral, ISP and more*
Your advantage
A comfortable home, a reduction of your monthly energy costs & a higher resale value
Efficient after-sales services
Your advantage
Advice, guides and newsletters to help you care of your home
Planning and transparent & ethical communications
Your advantage
A positive working environment for a project that is pleasant from start to finish
AA technical rating recognized by the GCR
Your advantage
Building quality & excellence
Respect of budget & construction deadlines
Your advantage
Great collaboration between the construction and design teams
Company dedicated to green building since 2005
Your advantage
Local construction teams with more than 100 unique projects completed
Novoclimat Select Group contractor
Your advantage
All our new constructions are inspected and subsidized by Novoclimat
Tailor-made & non-standard projects
Your advantage
Expertise for special projects (e.g., greenhouses, post and beam, complex layouts, etc.)
LEED V4, Carbon neutral, ISP and more
Your advantage
A comfortable home, a reduction of your monthly energy costs & a higher resale value
Analysis of the environmental footprint of materials
Your advantage
A wide selection of materials that respect the environment and your health
Efficient after-sales services
Your advantage
Advice, guides and newsletters to help you care of your home
Topographic implantation & careful planning
Your advantage
Reduction of the construction site’s environmental footprint on the land
AA technical rating recognized by the GCR
Your advantage
Building quality & excellence
Planning and transparent & ethical communications
Your advantage
A positive working environment for a project that is pleasant from start to finish
Company dedicated to green building since 2005
Your advantage
Local construction teams with more than 100 unique projects completed
Respect of budget & construction deadlines
Your advantage
Great collaboration between the construction and design teams
Tailor-made & non-standard projects
Your advantage
Expertise for special projects (e.g., greenhouses, post and beam, complex layouts, etc.)
Novoclimat Select Group contractor
Your advantage
All our new constructions are inspected and subsidized by Novoclimat
Analysis of the environmental footprint of materials
Your advantage
A wide selection of materials that respect the environment and your health
LEED V4, Carbon neutral, ISP and more
Your advantage
A comfortable home, a reduction of your monthly energy costs & a higher resale value
Topographic implantation & careful planning
Your advantage
Reduction of the construction site’s environmental footprint on the land
Efficient after-sales services
Your advantage
Advice, guides and newsletters to help you care of your home
* Optional

Do you dream of an efficient, sustainable and healthy home? Become a member and reap your benefits

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